Various books/courses/self-teaching
I taught myself Shopify & Liquid while working on two shops —see Naturally Wild
I taught myself Sass, the CSS preprocessor —see my Github Github
I taught myself Bootstrap —see my Github Github
I taught myself Github —see my Github Github
I taught myself Pug (Jade), the HTML preprocessor —see my Github Github
I took some Sitepoint courses to learn JavaScript & jQuery —see my Codepens
- This is the point where I heavily reduced my reliance on CMS plugins and started adding JavaScript myself, for greater control and less bloat (and always being able to get a good solution) JavaScript, jQuery
I started two courses in React (Wes Bos & Andrew Mead)
I read Designing for Emotion, by Aarron Walter
I read Design for Real Life, by Eric Meyer & Sara Wachter-Boettcher
I read User Story Mapping, by Jeff Patton —see my writeup Portfolio (Learning)
I read Web Style Guide, 4th edition